>> Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Aku yg macam budak-budak.

Honestly, seeing me happy is a very rare occasion indeed.

Today, my favourite lecturer told me that he wanted to see me becoming an orthopedic surgeon someday.

Yes, me, specifically! The back benchers, the dork, the not-so-bright student, well, you get the idea.

Medical school is something quite difficult (most of the time) if you are not bright, lazy and ignorant. And in my case, I fulfilled these 3 criterias , making me the biggest loser in the world.

But today is something different. What my favourite lecturer told me today is going to make me smiling the whole 2 days (I told you, happy rarely exists in my world, thus I might be going back to my grumpy mood later. 2 days are actually quite good.)

Actually, what made me happy were the 3 words he said after he told me that he wanted to see me becoming an orthopedic surgeon.

But sorry yah, I can’t tell you those words.

Definitely not I Love U lah! lol.

p/s: yeay!

p/s2: aku dah buat blog ni jadi makin peribadi. tp mmg tulis kt atas tu, blog peribadi pon kan. lantaklah, xde org nk bace pon.

Cold and Sour

>> Saturday, April 25, 2009

One hot night, I was craving for something cold and sour-y.

"Crushed ice and some lemonade" was what in my mind that time.

But since I was nowhere near both of those things, i decided to do some replacement to satisfy my taste bud.

Plain water, and some ascorbic acid. Yup, that is one true story.

Am I really that pathetic?

Oh my....

Stop Doing That.

This entry is not inflicted upon anyone specific.

But seriously, i wish you could stop doing that.

Doing what?

Cant tell ya' here.

But seriously, go get a life.

p/s: Owh, I know only too well that you won't be reading this blog, that's why i compose this.


>> Friday, April 24, 2009

I dunno why, but i am feeling rather angry today.

This is my deplorable state.

I hate myself when this thing happens.

Why are they feeling so happy, while I am not?

Must I seek the truth, per se?

Manusia Itu Kejam!

>> Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kesian sgt2. Nk tolong xtau mcm mane. Kalo ko manusia dah lame aku resuscitate.

Petang tadi, dalam pukul 5 mcm tu, aku ade dgr mcm beberapa das tembakan (skema gile ayat aku.ceh) dilepaskan around campus.

Aku buat biasa saja la, igtkan org main firecracker ke ape,sbb sebelum tu, aku dgr bunyi mercun raya cna tu, dan lps dgn malasnye smbung tido lps Asar (hampeh!)

Tadi, dalam pukul 8pm, kwn aku bising2 kt tepi blok aku.

"Ko x dgr ke org tembak petang td?"-Nasibah

"Nda dgr pla sia"- Emie

Aku pon tergesa2 kluar bilik, and nmpk, sekor anjing tgh baring kt tepi blok aku dgn berlumuran darah.

Ya Allah, sedih gile. Sapa yg jahat sgt tembak anjing2 ni.

Xde plak aku dgr psl org kene rabies lately. Jadi kenapa korg tembak?

Kalo ye pon nk tembak, kasik la mati. Ini korg biar dorg jalan2 dgn nyawa2 ikan macam tu, korg xde otak ke??

Kadang2, aku xtau sapa yang ade akal, sape yg xde.

Mana nk komplen ni??

MPP sumpah mcm besa, hanya mengangguk kepala mcm org bodoh. Pegi mampus la korg!!

Mungkin aku patut report kt Najib. Dia kan baru naik PM, mesti konon2 prihatin.

p/s: Oh ya, aku benci perempuan mengade2. Kalo ade senapang, dah lame aku tembak jgk.

Pool Time (tajuk telah diedit)

Owh, emosionalnye aku main menda ni kan? Ha ha.

Baby Cak!

>> Sunday, April 19, 2009


Cak Ci Cak!

Baby pun pegi Pc Fair. Sorry la gambar blur. x mahir lg guna kamera...

Operator Telefon

Ini Nija. Pemilik Viva Green Guava. Dulu kecik2 bercita2 nak jd operator telefon, tp sbb die terlebih bijak, die terpaksa amek medik.(tu pon sbb bapak die tuka pemilihan kursus dlm borg UPU secara senyap2). Skrg die tgh buat kerja sambilan menjadi operator Bahasa Urdu.

Lagi aksi seorang operator Bahasa Urdu.

Mari Belajar Bahasa Isyarat

>> Friday, April 17, 2009

p/s: cukup la utk hari ini. esok kite blaja lg ye murid2. (sebenanye aku penat nk upload and susun satu2 menda ni. adeh!)

Menang Loteri!

>> Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lps aku isi borang and claim duit ni, aku blanja korg pape yg korg nak ok!!!!


p/s: sngnye idup kalo asek menang loteri. kalo mcm tu, serious dah jd trillionaire la aku!

Hobi Baru

Skrg bila budak2 lain dah start balik rumah utk cuti akhir taun, internet punya connection dah bagus.

Kalo dulu aku kena naik turun blok sebelah utk pegi online, skrg dah bleh online kt bilik hari2. yeay!

Sebenanye ade jgk pros n cons boleh online kt bilik ni.


1) Boleh cr info bila2 mase aku nak (yela, info la sgt)

2) X pyh lg panjat turun blok org nk pegi online (tiada lg lalu pokok seram antara blok pukul 4 pg)

3) Celik2 mata dah boleh online (Ho-yeah!)

4) Boleh buat SGD dan Seminar dgn senang (kalo yg xtau ni ape, lebeh kurg mcm presentation la), sbb info sng gile nk cr. Gambar2 pon.

5)Eh, mcm dah xde kot.



owh. berbelah bahaginye idup.

tp kalo xde x bes plak.

n lately, aku asek kena perli sbb facebook aku laju sgt berjalan....kehkehkeh.

Aku lupa plak nak bgtau, skrg aku ngn rumate aku kalo ade pape nk gtau pon,kami sembang via chatting kt FB je. haha. pathetic gila. smpi die gtau die puasa pon aku tau sbb chatting ngn die. (jarak meja kami antara satu sama lain dlm 2 meter je kot).

kadang2 aku suro die pg mandi pon tru FB gk. kehkehkeh. (rumate aku mmg pemalas mandi!)

Ini adalah estimation jarak perjalanan setiap mlm untuk pergi online.
Aku dok kt blok C, nk pegi online kene pg blok E.
Pokok in between blok tu lebeh seram waktu mlm.
Trutamanya kalo dah balik pon kol 4 pagi!

Tulang Oh Tulang!

Kai Fei dan aku yg happy sbb kelas dah abes. boleh balik!!

Azman yg ada facial palsy. (LMN ke UMN?)

Amy Voo yg mantain kurus kering despite mkn RM80 seminggu. (ini duit saku die.haha)

Hip Flexion: L1 and L2! Jgn lupa tu!

Sebastian dah sakit pinggang sbb menggayakan terlalu byk position myotomes!


This is indeed the worst posting ever. (well, at least all of my groupmates agreed on this)

Why? Why? Why u ask?


1) We have to be at the ward@ clinics around 8 am everyday

2) We have bedsides and tons of them (with scariest Specialist ever)

3) we have to brush up our anatomy man!! (i hate anatomy!!! muscles, tendons, nerves blablabla)

4)We have to answer question like: what is the muscle responsible for knee flexion, the innervation blablabla whatsoever instantly (kalo dah xtau tu, x payah la buat2 muka tgh berpikir ye kwn2)

5) We have the 32 handwritten case write ups (walla weyh, kepala hotak btol sapa yg start menda ni. ko igt idup aku kejenya nk menulis jeke? sapa nk basuh 2 baldi baju yg dah seminggu x kene sentuh tu?? sape? sape?)

6) We have to stay back in clinical block at least until 6pm (yg mane, maghrib masuk 6.20 cmtu, so kena tggu la smyg kejap, kalo mati tgh jln, sapa nk jwb. pastu dah smyg sume, siap dlm kol 7, balik, traffic jam lg, smpi bilik dlm kol 8malam.)

7) kalau dah balik kol 8mlm, nak mandi lg, smyg lg, rehat lg, Facebook lg (eh, yg ni pon nk gtau ke??), YM lg, bilanye aku nk study???

Aku dah hilang beberapa weekends dlm posting ni.Sbb sabtu ahad pon ade kelas. Would u at least let me have my weekends???

Ni pon baru smpi bilik. 2 mggu lg exam, tp aku hanye baru hafal dermatomes and myotomes je (tu pon kena buat tarian dlu baru igt).

Mati la aku mcm ni!

Amma Appak. Help ME!

Nasib baik lg 3 mggu nk balik. Owh~

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