Brotben, Finally!

>> Monday, November 30, 2009

Mari buat2 muka x bersalah curi makan tomato (yang patutnye guna untuk masak tomyam)


Setelah lama berada dalam zaman kuno dan gelap, aku finally ade modem broadband.

Digi punya...... (patutnye kaler kuning ni kan? Xpe la, bantai sajelah purple..hahaha)

Dan yang penting, ianya laju!!! (harap2 berkekalan la smpi bila2 pon ok!)

X kesah la kena bayar sikit tiap2 bulan, suruh jela pakcik JPA bayarkan...hahahaha (duit rakyat tu wei...)

Boleh online dr katil dengan berbagai2 gaya yang rasanya tidak perlu dimentionkan di sini (kang ade hidung berdarah.) =P

P/s: Jangan lupa exam final dah dekat. T___T

Post-Mabul Trip

>> Saturday, November 21, 2009

1. Just came back from Tawau/Semporna/Mabul.

2. I think, I've gotten fatter within this 1 week duration.

3. And now, I'm depressed.


5.31am, 11th November 2009

>> Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Aku dah bgn sejak pukul 3.15am td, n sekarang aku tgh pikir apa nak buat.












Ok! Nak pegi jogging lah! Bye!

p/s: Aku x kejut rumate aku untuk Subuh lg. Agak2 pijak perut die ok x? Sbb die liat sikit nak bgn. Bukan sikit. Banyak! Haha. (sorry

22, and Yet Still So Typical

>> Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Check jap duit cukup ke x... T__T (symptoms kanak2

Kenapa ah, bila nak makan kt luar je, asal2 plan nak mkn benda berkhasiat or benda yg mcm freshly cooked, but then, mesti akan end-up dgn mkn fast-food or the so-called classy restaurant ah?

Like the other night, my friends and I were planning on eating out, then igtkan nak mkn la tomyam ke, nasi goreng2 ke, ikan bakar ke (ok ikan bakar aku tipu, aku x suka. rasa hangit!), thenend up tersepit antara nak mkn KFC n Manhattan Fish Market?

Memang org muda mcm tu ke? Asal nak mkn je mesti mkn restaurant francais. Ke ktorg je? Mcm x grown up btol.

So ktorg pon pg la mkn kt Manhattan Fish Market. Xde la mahal, sbb amek Kiddies Meal je (so cheap, lol), sbbnye benda2 kt sana sume nye goreng n deep fried, so mkn byk2 series korg prepare jela anti-emetics,or maybe air lemon ke, sbb kalo x mesti rasa muak nk mampus dgn minyak2 yg melekat dlm mulut nnt. Urrgghh!

Aphal ko buat muka cmtu Pika? Seram siot!

Nija mmg x suka kamera..

Muka si pemalas...dan lapar jugak kot. Haha

Decreased Libido?

So, I was studying the other night (again, revising my 10 Teachers for Gynae and Obs) for my becoming exam, and I received a text message from a friend of mine. Here goes...

X: Weh, tgh watpe?

Me: Study ah, mende lg. 10Teachers.

X: Tensen aku study ni wei. Tambah2 baca psl tumor2 n disease psl gynae. Decrease libido aku tgk gambar pelik2 ni wei.

(oh nway, X is a guy)

Me: Errrr...

p/s: No comment. LOL

The Butterfly Effect: A Regret

Pernah tgk cerita The Butterfly Effect?

Yang aku pernah tgk ada 2 movies, satu yg tahun 2004 (Ashton Kutcher n Amy Smart), satu lg,2007 punya edition, x kenal la laki tu sapa, tp smart jgk la body die (eh apa aku ni? hahahaha).

Somehow, I wish that I have their ability to go back to their past and change anything that they wish/want to.

Macam nak pergi zaman muda2 and jumpa diri sendiri and cakap apa benda yang aku x patut buat time tu, so that I can be a better person I guess?

Korang rasa memang btol2 ade ability tu ah? boleh buat genetic modification kt mana2 lab ke? LOL

p/s: Nak pergi tahun 2002 dan tukar satu keputusan yg paling bodoh aku rasa aku pernah buat. =(

How To Lose 7kg in 3.5months?

A few friends have been asking me on how did I lose 7 kg for the past 3.5months.

And I promised to post the tips and tricks on my blog, here.

But guess wut, I dont think I shed enuff weight yet to give u any tips n tricks.

The problem with maintaining my current weight now (as for now, based on my own weightscale the number is 46.5kg) is, besides losing the ugly fat, I'm also have been developing some muscles at certain area (hamstring, quadriceps, biceps, triceps, gastrocnemius) due to repetitive routines (joggings, and few tricks I downloaded from Youtube? wahahahaha), which makes my weight kinda fluctuating.

You people should noe dat muscles are heavier than fats are (ni lecturer Anatomy aku gtau masa aku 1st yr dlu), so when I started to lose fats, the going down numbers really makes me happy, but still, the shape was ugly (flabby weh! buruk! buruk! hahahaha), and thus, dieting alone won't work. U need to workout so that u wont be flabby or in Malay kita panggil GELEBEH! hahahaha =P

And so, aku xnak la bg korg tips ke tricks ke dulu. Bagi la aku turun sampai 42kg dlu, baru aku buat post baru.Hahahaha.

But really, all you need are:

1) A strong motivation (yang nak kawen tu, obvious gila kot nak nampak cantik hari kawen nnt kan =P)

2) Sehelai baju yang kecik 2 size (the smaller the better?) dr size sebenar korang (kalo boleh beli yang mahal and cantik gila so that korg usaha gila babi nak muat baju tu)

3) Eat right (jgn la makan fastfood langsung, air bergula, lemak, kulit ayam dan geng2nya. Aku tau benda tu sume sedap, tp ni untuk sementara je, karang lepas dah kurus, makan la balik...hahahaha)

4) And last but not least, yes, workouts! Yg workouts tu, kalo larat, jogging la seminggu dalam 5 kali? Or kalo ikut aku yg saiko gila ni, aku turun pagi ptg, supaya cepat sikit dpt hasil. Haha saiko! Downloads la tips kt Youtube yang bersepah2 tu, ikut korang la nak kecikkan tgn ke, perut ke, kaki ke, sume ade sana.

Eh, macam dah bg tips n tricks la pulak rupa2nya. =P

All the best mates! You can do it!

11.33am Di Hari Ahad, Tapi Aku Sedang Sibuk Study T____T

>> Sunday, November 08, 2009

OK, aku saja je buat tajuk bangang mcm tu, nak bg korg baca post aku ni.Hahaha

11.33am, 8th November 2009, dan aku sedang study pasal Induction of labour (buat mereka yg bkn dr medical field, benda ni adalah condition di mana ko nak paksa mak2 bersalin, eh bukan paksa sgt la, cume kita induce die untuk bersalin for medical reasons, yg kalo nak, aku boleh buat satu entry baru, kalo ade requestlah...hahahaha =P)

Eh, aku exam teori lah esok! Patutlah aku baca buku. Kalo x, haram ah T___T

Tiba2, aku rasa rindu lah nak bebel kt blog aku yg dah berhabuk.

Busylah. Aku x sangka final year akan buatkan hidup aku serabut dan makin lama, makin skema medik. Sikit2 cakap mesti nk kuar psl medik. Jadi aku xnak boringkan korg dgn benda2 yg pelik2, jadi baik aku jgn bebel kan?

Kawan aku si Jamil pon ckp, aku mcm dah lain, dah x fun mcm Mimi yang die kenal dlu? Kat Facebook, sikit2 komen aku mesti berbaur medik. Haha.

Well, this is wut u got after 4.5years of medical school, but hey, I'm still a fun person ok! (perasan gila babi aku ni), cuma aku dah teroccupied dgn benda yang insyaAllah mungkin akan jadi benda yg aku kena buat hari2 (pegi wad, cek2 org, prescribe ubat, bg nasihat, well, yes u noe the drills).

Anyway people, I'm proudly announcing that I lost 6-7kg within this 3.5months. Wooohoooo! (nnt nak buat entry psl benda ni lah)

And now, I need more money to change my clothes. =P

p/s: I'm in love with Megan Fox. Oh, she is tooooo HOT to be true! =)

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