DSLR Dilemma
>> Thursday, May 07, 2009
My camera and I =)
One of my greatest dream was to have a DSLR camera because I've seen people carrying this toy, and they look so freaking cool! And so, I bought one for myself. Well, mainly, it is not all about the "cool" thingy stuffs only, but I do have passion in photography (though I'm still a-no-good. lol).
I bought my baby around 2 months ago, with my own money (and I'm so freaking proud of it. No PaMa scholar, guys!). It is a Nikon D60 (yah yah, not that great, but still, what are expecting from some broke gal like me).
My previous camera was an Olympus, IR-300, which is still currently in my possesion. The camera had served me a long good time (4 years) and thanks to that, I have a lot of irreplaceable visual memories =).
My current baby is just great, nice sharp pictures, a lot of functions (that I still havent mastered yet!), and it seriously gets me unwanted attention from others whenever I'm using it =P
The only problem now is, I dont get to bring this camera everywhere, well, obviously because of the size. Haha. I guess size does matter eh?
Hurm, too bad. No more secret snaps I guess.... =(
p/s: What say you people with DSLRs?
I bought my baby around 2 months ago, with my own money (and I'm so freaking proud of it. No PaMa scholar, guys!). It is a Nikon D60 (yah yah, not that great, but still, what are expecting from some broke gal like me).
My previous camera was an Olympus, IR-300, which is still currently in my possesion. The camera had served me a long good time (4 years) and thanks to that, I have a lot of irreplaceable visual memories =).
My current baby is just great, nice sharp pictures, a lot of functions (that I still havent mastered yet!), and it seriously gets me unwanted attention from others whenever I'm using it =P
The only problem now is, I dont get to bring this camera everywhere, well, obviously because of the size. Haha. I guess size does matter eh?
Hurm, too bad. No more secret snaps I guess.... =(
p/s: What say you people with DSLRs?
17 Maki Hamun!:
What say me?
Well, buying a DSLR doesn't make you a photographer.. ..it makes you a DSLR-owner.
Btw, just bring along ur baby anywhere you go especially on ur trip or vacation.
U will never know wut kind of beautiful scene or view going to pop-up in front of ur very own eyes.
U can remember the moments in ur mind alone, or u can share ur photos and have an amazing moment with others.
Hope this will motivate u.
n did i said anything bout me being a photographer? haha. cek btol2 balik.
i mean, kalo nk snap pix curi dlm klinik ke, ward ke, operation room ke, cmtu la.
kalo vacation, of course gila la bawak.
Menarik gak tu..snap gmba dalam operation room.
Wish u luck.
(doc lain gantung stetoskop kat leher, ko gantung dslr)..
good start. :)
neorackle: haha. gantung dua2 la. lol
zhee: thanx. x pernah nmpk pon kt sini?
haha tak sangka ko bleh turn on tgk orang carry 'this big toy' ke mana-mana
mungkin sebab bila bawak ke mana-mana ramai yang akan cakap wowww takpon diorang tanye camni hey cool gila bila kau beli ni?? model ape ah
tapi aku still rase camera compact, point and shoot is the best! sesuai sangat untuk espionage dan aktiviti2 mengumpul bahan bukti
p/s: gudluck menjadi photographer yg berjaya. mungkin kita bleh sembang photography kalau satu hari nanti aku ada kamera canggih mcm ni. dan mungkin majlis kawen aku nt aku bleh mintak upah ko part time. cas harga membe pon ok kot, haha
ah ayep..
ada bau2 kejelesan di sebalik komen ko itu.
mane de.
p/s:jgn nak 'prasan'! haha
DSLR is money! make money from it..yeahh..hehe..neway all the aperture, shutter things da master lom? need the materials?
hurm, i believe this DSLR thing is only a hobby. series xde masa ah =(
xde terpkir la nk buat duit dr hobi ni, but who knows kan?
nnt la balik umah nnt, nk try g kenduri kawen sapa2, nk offer diri la. murah2 pon xpa, hahaha.
eh, aritu you ckp nk emelkan, dah berbulan tggu ni...manenye??hahaha
Aku setuju ngan Ayep, sebab tu kami 3 org sepakat utk beli kamera kompek yg power. Cth utk hasil kamera kompek yg mantap bleh tgk kat blog abg melayu minimalis.
Selain tak seswai utk kerja-kerja espionage, dslr berat, leceh nak angkut, terlalu menonjol dan menarik perhatian org tambah-tambah kalo dok di negara dunia ketiga mcm Mesir ni. lagipon dslr akan menggugat keimanan bila dah sampai limit, nanti asek nak upgred.
Mungkin komen ni berbau mcm musang dgn anggur...
aku xnak komen lebeh2. nnt aku jugak kene delete dr akaun FB.
errr kau kate sape ni?
dude, bawak saja ke mana2 kamera tu. jangan bawak masuk dalam bilik air sudey
I'm using Canon 450D and I bring it to everywhere I go. Literally. :)
Jamil : I'm not a dude.
Joyce: Well, me too, now! =P
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